My newest adventure is underway. It has lead me to take up residency in a new blog,
Like the Feathers of an Arrow (affectionately known as LFA).

...don't open...don't throw away... is not disappearing completely (not yet),
but postings here will be limited.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

7 Last Call: Poetic Siege

nagging words pace
along idle fingertips
itching for peace to descend

blinking cursor laughs
at the empty battlefield
armed and ready to bleed black

An Aside: Working off my phone, so I have limited functionality. I'll add in links tomorrow when I have access to a computer with Internet.

A Form Aside: This is a take on the sedōka, an ancient Japanese form dating back to the choka and tanka; it is composed of two katauta [5/7/7]. When I first came across this form (on, it was mentioned that the form "may address the same subject from different perspectives." I've always liked that idea.

Doubling up this week with Three Word Wednesday [3WW=>idle, nagging, pace] and dVerse Poets Pub ~ OpenLinkNight.  


  1. ha. nice bit on writing...ready to bleed back...dang laughing form...we are doing Collum Lunes tomorrow at dverse...kind of an american style bee writing small today to prep...smiles...

  2. You have such a keen ability to make unusual comparisons, unexpected metaphors or images just seem to come natural. Great work!

  3. Blank pages and black words..truly a battle at times..but one always worth participating in..

  4. Smile
    Great description of what we all face very often
