Artist: Bonnie Raitt
Album: Luck Of The Draw
Genre: Rock
Note: When deciding to include CIHTD? as one of the themes to help get me back in the writing mode here on ...don't open...don't throw away..., I stated that I'd look to song to help inspire me to write--whether it be a poem, prose, or rambling. Thus far each has yielded a poem; it seems only right that after so many poems it's time to branch out. So here goes....
"I can't make you love me if you don't. You can't make your heart feel something it won't."
These words have been plaguing me for the past several months--often late at night as I climb the stairs. And while I know the what the full song is about; and while occasionally I'll get to the next line, it is the first part--that quoted above--which weighs heavily on me. Pull them out of the song. Remove them from their intended context. Make them their own simple statements of fact. Forget about whose singing--whose being sung about.
Every time these words escape my lips, my eyes begin to glass over. Because I'm speaking to me.