My newest adventure is underway. It has lead me to take up residency in a new blog,
Like the Feathers of an Arrow (affectionately known as LFA).

...don't open...don't throw away... is not disappearing completely (not yet),
but postings here will be limited.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

4 Slumbering Nature

a sweet demure child
pushed prodded and offended
finally erupts
a volitale volcano
no longer a dorment soul

after toying with several other forms of Japanese poetry (haiku, senryu, and sedoka), i thought i might expand my exploration...thus this attempt at a tanka. inspiration for this creation came from Three Word Wednesday. [3WW=>demure, offend(ed), volatile]


  1. Yes, yes. That is just like a child. Does any child ever have a dormant soul? Well done.

  2. I says it perfectly, wonderful, just wonderful!
